Friday, June 12, 2009

$60,000 Paintings for Free

Katy's comment on that last post brought up a question about titles. I think I'm going to use the titles of these paintings to critique artificial art values. It's strange when artists price their work really high even if it isn't selling. It's like they think they can create value with nothing more than "positive mental attitude". Forget supply and demand I guess. I also think it is interesting that the price tag on a work of art affects the way it is viewed. This has been discussed in earlier comments so I won't dwell on it too much, but your perception of an artwork is often influenced by its price tag.

My idea is to title my pieces with a dollar value. For example the title of the work might be $45,000. Since the title will be right there where people are used to seeing price tags they won't know the difference. Many people will look at the piece and think "Hmmm... that's an okayish piece of art. Whoa! $45,000? Are you kidding me? He must be a really good artist." Some people will immediately have more respect for the work because it is now a Jaguar instead of a Hyundai. Others will be ticked off that (they believe) some loser artist is raking in a year's salary with a single painting sale. Some will be annoyed that an obviously amateur artist is overpricing his work.

Of course this whole concept goes back to that discussion about whether art is a gift or a commodity. In my own work I like the idea of more art, less business. Any thoughts?


  1. So what if someone wants to buy one? Sweeeeeeet! ;) I like it. So then after the show are you gonna give some away for free?

  2. more art less business is the motto that creates "poor starving artists" and that's what you always wanted to be, so that's a great match!

    Also, if you make $60,000 in one painting, I will be so happy for you! Also I will require you to buy me somethin' pretty AND start bragging about how I have an original Randal K. Marsh in my dining room. Worth more than $60,000 cuz I like it more. Eat THAT suckahs!

  3. Art that gets a reaction out of people could be considered great art.
    PS. I absolutely LOVE the piece you have displayed here on your blog. It's yours right? The depth is incredible. The colors are soothing, but like "thinking soothing," not "relaxing soothing." K, I'm not a pro art critic, but if I had $45 extra thou, I'd take it. :)
