Friday, June 12, 2009

Works in Progress

Here's what I'm coming up with. In this triptych you'll see the topographical imagery, networked lines, textile designs, and language that represent my fictional culture. I made up a font for the numbers so that it would look like an unknown language. Hopefully they are still legible. The numbers (reading across all three panels) should read: 7825328483 82583 263 2229 3427377. The networked lines represent the system of gift giving that drives the culture. What's working here? What part do you hate?


  1. I LOVE the new font. I think it's perfect for your culture. I'm worried that with the way these numbers are cut in 3 pieces that no one will be able to accurately type them into their phones...Is the title of the piece the numbers?

  2. The font is probably the coolest thing I've ever seen. Ever. The only number I had trouble defining without help was the 4, but if I thought about it I would've figured it out.

    You are. As always. The coolest artist I know.

  3. You didn't put the 266663489. Do the numbers work with predictive text or no? Not that it helps me because when I text I do it on a qwerty.
    I feel like I need to see them in person to give any real opinions on them, but I like what i see so-far.

  4. Oh, good call Rob. That's the second line. The numbers do work with predictive text. They say: Subjective Commodity value and baby diapers

  5. Help me out with additional explanations for "topographical imagery, networked lines, textile designs, and language." I enjoy abstraction a lot more when I know more about what it means. (is that a contradiction?)
    I'm also not clear on what exactly you mean by a fictional culture. I feel like I have a good grasp on what culture is but I'm not sure not how you would create one through a painting.
    Hopefully I'm not bringing down the group here--don't cast your pearls before swine or anything--its just that my right brain needs developing.
